Sunday, May 22, 2011


Estate plans are great, but who will carry out your plan?
When is it time to update your trust or will?
Here is a straightforward list of events that would signal it is time to review your will or trust or contact us at : or call for a free consultation at (818)905-0601.

1. You want to change your Guardian, Personal Representative, Executor, Trustee, or Successor.

2. You have not reviewed your estate plan within the last 12-36 months.

3. You want to change, add, or remove beneficiaries in your will or trust.

4. You want to change the amounts you give one or more beneficiaries.

5. You want to change what you give to one or more beneficiaries.

6. There has been a change in marital status for you or a member of your family.

7. There has been a birth or adoption of children or grandchildren.

8. There has been a significant change in health to you or a family member.

9. There has been a death to a person named in your will or trust.

10. There has been a significant change in the value of your estate.

11. There has been a change in the form of property ownership.

12. You moved to another state.

13. There have been significant changes in the tax law.

14. Children beneficiaries reach the age of eighteen.
If any of these events occur, it is time to review your estate plan with an attorney. This will insure that your estate plan remains current and will carry out the plans that you intended for your family and loved ones.
Author’s Note:
Elise Lampert is an Estate Planning Attorney in Sherman Oaks handing living trusts, special needs trusts, powers of attorney, conservatorships, probate, probate litigation, and elder abuse matters. You can learn more about her practice at
Elise Lampert is a proud member of the AARP Legal Service Network.

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